Dependent Queries

Dependent (or serial) queries depend on previous ones to finish before they can execute. To achieve this, it's as easy as using the enabled option to tell a query when it is ready to run:

// Get the user
const { data: user } = useQuery(['user', email], getUserByEmail)
const userId = user?.id
// Then get the user's projects
const { status, fetchStatus, data: projects } = useQuery(
['projects', userId],
// The query will not execute until the userId exists
enabled: !!userId,

The projects query will start in:

status: 'loading'
fetchStatus: 'idle'

As soon as the user is available, the projects query will be enabled and will then transition to:

status: 'loading'
fetchStatus: 'fetching'

Once we have the projects, it will go to:

status: 'success'
fetchStatus: 'idle'
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